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DB name RUPAT.(RUPAT_NEW - last bulletin documents )
Time period  1994 - current
Kind of documents  A, C
Number of documents 271800
Update interval Once per month
Country RU
Language Russian
Thematic Polythematic
DB type Full-text (graphics included)
DB description DB contains full texts of Russian patented inventions (C) and 
(partly) applications for an invention (A), graphics. DB content 
corresponds with 1994-2004 official bulletins.
DB fields structure DB Fields Structure (PDF) For your convinience, database field names are given in English.
DB DOCUMENT SAMPLE Document Sample (RU2073672):
[ bibliography & description (350Kb, PDF) ]
[ Drawing 1 ]
[ Drawing 2 ]

For your convinience, bibliography field names are in English.
Original RUPTO document (PDF) comes only in Russian. (we provide translations at reasonable cost)
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