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DB name RUPAT_OLD - retrospective DB
Time period  1924 - 1993
Kind of documents  A1, A2, A3, A4
Number of documents 1432095
Update interval In process of information's preparation  on DVD
Country RU (SU)
Language Russian
Thematic Polythematic
DB type Full-text (graphics included)
DB description DB contains full texts of the Russian patent documents (USSR patents, Soviet Union patents) from 1924 till 1993 in a facsimile kind (TIFF images)
DB fields structure DB Fields Structure (PDF) For your convinience, database field names are given in English.
DB DOCUMENT SAMPLE Document Sample (SU1816664):
[Bibliography as seen in DB (PDF) ]
[original Bibliography & Abstract (fits to 1 page) (TIFF) ]
[Description 1 (TIFF) ]
[Description 2 (TIFF) ]
[Claims (printed in the same page as last part of the description) (TIFF) ]
[Drawing (TIFF)]

For your convinience, bibliography field names are in English.
Original RUPTO document (PDF) comes only in Russian. (we provide translations at reasonable cost)

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