If you just want to run a quick search and see if your trade mark might be already grabbed, we can do
free search on russian trademark - the results will just tell you whether exact match was found or not
(including WHOIS queries for Russian .RU and .SU domains).
Send us email and we will deliver search report within few hours, free of charge.
However, here is what we actually think on this matter:
FREE Russia trademark search isn't worth a time wasted on it - cause it's quite misleading.
FREE trademark search in Russian trademarks - as advertised by some Russian IP companies - is nothing more but a gimmick to
get attention of a visitor - because there are at least 12 months worth data unavailable for free search, and since number
of trademark applications in Russia has been on the steady rise, you wouldn't want to save $250 on comprehensive trademark search and waste hundreds of dollars
just to get your trademark application in Russia turned down due to being similar to the one filed couple of months ago, would you?
More to this, free search in russian federation trademarks ignores international registrations (which affect Russia)
and free search won't give you an Attorney's opinion about registration possibilities.
You can see detailed description of our Russian trademark registration service here.