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Russian patents and trademarks: info research service

Our policy: Money to be paid AFTER you received the material requested.
Why would you need to pay for historical research on the commercial use of a Russian patent ?
The reason is, you might want to get assurance what your own patent is stronger.

Feel free to contact and discuss with us prospective research -
we'll respond and act promptly.

Case study: carries out a research for Canadian company

A Canadian company holds patents on Standing Stem Harvesting in Canada and the US. They learned through their patent search that there has been similar art in Russia. However, even though they had a brief description of the patent and its number they could'nt access an English language copy to determine its true relevance.

They contacted and arranged the retrieval and delivery of the Russian patent. It turned out that the patent number they had been provided was incorrect. Within half an hour of initiating a manual search in the database of Russian patents (additional cost for the customer - $15) we discovered the right document and sent it to the customer by e-mail. (NB: They might have considered running a Russian prior art search thru but they decided to postpone it.)

Following their assessment of the patent, the Canadian company began a research project and hired us to do the work. They were interested in broadening their research in Russia to any systems relative to selective timber harvesting. They described the technology involved and told us as much as they knew about the device that the Russian inventor had put together.

Problem: The patent did not make the harvesting sequence clear, nor does it make clear what the harvesting sequence evolved into.

Task: The Canadian company wanted to know the original harvesting sequence and whether or not the process evolved into a practical commercial use. As an adjunct to the main task, they also wanted to know if there were any other known helicopter selective harvesting procedures in use.

They requested that we find the helicopter logging and forestry companies or individuals who remembered the Russian invention and who knew how it worked and/or whether it is still working. They also wanted to know whether the method was commercially successful at the beginning and whether it is commercially successful now?

The company did not need an exhaustive study to prove or disprove the use of this patent. They were merely attempting to document any efforts at Standing Stem Harvesting successful or unsuccessful prior to their patents in 2000 and 2001. Knowing the story and being able to quote sources was sufficient for their purposes.

Process: The parties drafted a Letter of Understanding outlining the project and the research began. The Letter of Understanding outlined the task as described in this excerpt:

Whereas the Interested Party is requesting that some specific research be accomplished concerning the subject patent, its history and application and whereas the Service Provider has agreed to accomplish this specific research, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

That the nature of the research project is to assemble freely accessible information useful to the Interested Party concerning a Russian patent or patents and their commercial application.

That achieving access to the Inventor if possible is the first priority and thereafter logging companies that have used the process as described in the Russian patent.

Please ask the following questions and any other questions that logically flow from them (...)

That the Service Provider will submit regularly to the Interested Party the time expended as well as the findings so that financial control can be maintained.

That Interested Party may halt the process at any time and request the final invoice.

The overall turnaround for this project was 30 days. The time invoiced was 15 hours.

The customer has acknowledged that the results appear satisfactory and that the content and appearance of the report is in keeping with the agreement. In addition, for the future, have agreed to supply any clarification of the language used in the report should it be necessary.

Historical research on the commercial use of a Russian patent US$50 per hour