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Trademark registration services in Russia

Some of trademark applications we've filed in Russia recently: Applicant's country (number of marks):

USA(29) | South Korea(18) | China(8)| Hong Kong(3) | Taiwan(1) | Finland(2) | Israel(2) | UK(2) | Thailand(2)| New Zealand(1) | Indonesia(1) | Ireland(1) | Argentina(1) | Malaysia(1) | Mexica(1) | Tunisia(1) | India(1)

chronolax trademark registered in Russia by company from India Finnish company ICIUM filed trademark in Russia company from Finland ICIUM registers TM in Russia pretty girl trademark filing in russia globtek trademark registration in russia Korean company Melkco files Vetti trademark in russia US company Anaheim Marketing International files WasteMaid trademark in russia US company Essence Watches files Essence trademark in Russia US company Kyoui applies for Kyoui trademark in Russia US company files Crown Scents trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab applies for Xercise logo trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab files Xercise Lab word trademark in Russia Korean company Kanglim applies for Kanglim logo trademark in Russia Korean trademark KS1256G is being trademarked in Russia as well US company files Recess Lab trademark in Russia USA based Xercise Lab applies for Burn Lab trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab files Build Lab trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab applies for H2O Lab word trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab files Restore Lab word trademark in Russia US company Xercise Lab applies for Xtreme Fitness, Xceptional Results word trademark in Russia Chinese trademark Golden_Star_Brand is being trademarked in Russia Chinese trademark Travelhouse filing in Russia company from Tunisia files Florident trademark in Russia Taiwan based firm applies for Farcent trademark in Russia Korean company Htumco applies for Htumco trademark in Russia Korean company Melkco files Tera Cotto trademark in Russia company from Korea Melkco registers TM Kooso in Russia Korean trademark DEKTED is being trademarked in Russia by Korean company Melkco USA based Baggu, Inc. applies for BAGGU trademark in Russia 300 Below, Inc. from Illinois, USA, files 360Below trademark in Russia Westside Resources from USA files Crystal Tip trademark in Russia USA based Liquid Smile Holdings applies for LiquidSmile trademark in Russia Korean company GLOBeauty trademarks Rene-cell in Russia Skypark trademark filed in Russia company from Korea CLIO PROFESSIONAL to register TM Goodal in Russia Korean trademark Steblanc is being trademarked in Russia by Korean company Mizon DDK trademark is filed in Russia by DDK GROUP CO., LTD. TAIWAN Korean company COSON trademarks Dr. myer's in Russia

Contact us by email:

Cost of filing one trademark application in Russia in 1(one) class (effective as of August 23, 2012) includes:

Filing fees including preliminary search (paid upfront): US$1072
Official fee (US$) Attorney fee (US$)
Preliminary search   250
Filing New Application 490 230
Disbursements (electronic (rather than by post) filing fee, bank and currency exchange fees)   102

Registration fees (paid in 11-12 months): US$864
Official fee (US$) Attorney fee (US$)
Registration and Obtaining Certificate 560 212
Disbursements (bank, currency exchange, postage fees)   92

Default payment method is bank wire.

Disbursements will be considerably less if you pay by Western Union money transfer.
We can also accept payment by credit card - it’ll cost more.

There are discounts for searching in more classes and filing more marks in more classes - request our Schedule of Fees on filing trademark application in Russia and other trademark services in Russia by email:

Rates may be increased in reasonable increments at reasonable intervals.

What documents are required to register a trademark in Russia?

You need to send following documents in order to start the filing proceeding:
1) Designation to be protected and Trademark type (word, logo, combined)
2) A complete list of goods or services on which the trademark will be used (preferably grouped according to the Nice Classification)
3) a quality image of a mark (except for marks in plain block letters)
4) Information about applicant: official name, legal address, country (indicating a state)
5) a signed Power of Attorney by email and regular mail (we will provide the bilingual Russian-English form once we have applicant's details)

Recent testimonials:

Philip McCabe
Lawyers and Patent Attorneys
New Zealand and Australia

We have enjoyed working with (Patents from RU) whom we have found responsive, commercially aware and given to charging rather reasonably (possibly because he is not based in Petersburg or Moscow but in the Udmurt Republic, a sovereign republic within the Russian Federation)

February 10, 2009
» More testimonials

According to the Trademark Law of Russia, foreign applicants are to register trademarks in Russia solely via patent attorneys registered in Russia. All foreign patent attorneys who offer trademark registration services in Russia are in fact acting as intermediaries for their Russian partners. Naturally, intermediaries add their markup (often 50% and more) to Russian trademark attorneys' fees.

For starters, you can just order a trademark registrability search in Russia - you pay after receiving results.

You may want to make sure the domains <YOURmark>.RU and <YOURmark>.SU are available and purchase it before we file for the trademark - the cost of domain name registration is paltry compared to the cost of wrestling the domain away from a cybersquatter. You can always drop the domain later if you end up not using it.

You can avoid paying extra by dealing directly with our company which is based in Russia. Our registered patent attorneys will take care of all matters. We've been dealing with patent attorneys and many direct clients from around the world for 8 years.

An application for Trade Mark registration in Russia may be filed in a black-and-white and colour representation. Registrable are word, figurative, combined, sound, smell, three-dimensional and other types of designations serving for goods individualisation, works performed and services rendered by legal or natural persons. One application may include any number of ICGS classes.

Orders to register trademarks in Russia could be sent to us by e-mail.

We'll be sure to warn you if the trademark has any adverse meaning in Russian language.

Please note: Russia uses the "first-to-file" policy

As our colleagues PatSGr note it, "no evidence of use is required upon filing of a trademark application. The rights to the mark will belong to the person who files the application first, even if a mark was used for a long time in Russia by another company. But evidence of use might be helpful for restoring rights to the mark, captured by an indecent competitor.

There were cases when an established firm had been importing its goods into Russia for several years and its business reached a good turnover, but it somehow did not think of registration of its mark in this country. Then it appeared that its mark was already registered by another small firm which did not produce any goods and did not use the mark, but just held rights for it in full accordance with the Russian legislation. And this small firm approached the importer and claimed violation of its trademark rights and demanded payment of compensation for the unauthorised use of the registered mark.

There are certain firms in Russia that hunt for the actually used but not registered marks, they register the marks in their name and then approach the legitimate mark owner with the demand for compensation. This poses a problem, which could be solved, but rather it should be prevented. Before actual importation of any goods into Russia, the marks should be duly registered, particularly it is important to register the company name as trademark, if it is used on the goods."

Get in touch with us now.


March 23, 2016: Added information about few trademark applications recently filed in Russia: Goodal, Skypark, Dr. myer's, STEBLANC, DDK.
Korean company GLOBeauty trademarks Rene-cell in RussiaDecember 17, 2013: Korean company GLOBeauty trademarks Rene-cell in Russia
Westside Resources from USA files Crystal Tip trademark in RussiaSeptember 27, 2013: Westside Resources from USA files Crystal Tip trademark in Russia
USA based Liquid Smile Holdings applies for LiquidSmile trademark in RussiaSeptember 27, 2013: USA based Liquid Smile Holdings applies for LiquidSmile trademark in Russia
300 Below, Inc. from Illinois, USA, files 360Below trademark in RussiaAugust 2, 2013: 300 Below, Inc. from Illinois, USA, files 360Below trademark in Russia
Korean company Htumco applies for Htumco trademark in RussiaJuly 11, 2013: Korean company Htumco applies for Htumco trademark in Russia
Korean company Melkco files Tera Cotto trademark in RussiaJuly 11, 2013:Korean company Melkco files Tera Cotto trademark in Russia
company from Korea Melkco registers TM Kooso in RussiaJuly 11, 2013: Company from Korea Melkco registers TM Kooso in Russia
Korean trademark DEKTED is being trademarked in Russia by Korean company MelkcoJuly 11, 2013: Korean trademark DEKTED is being trademarked in Russia by Korean company Melkco
USA based Baggu, Inc. applies for BAGGU trademark in RussiaJuly 10, 2013: USA based Baggu, Inc. applies for BAGGU trademark in Russia