Russian patents (RU), USSR (Soviet Union) patents(SU)
Turnaround time: 1 business day
RU patent documents (1994 - present)
SU patent documents (1924 - 1994)
SAMPLE DOCUMENT: To see a sample of (RU) or (SU) patent document,
check out databases of Russian/USSR patents (1924 - current).
We took special efforts to provide bilingual (Russian/English) samples of regular Russian-only documents.
Russian Patent applications
USSR/Soviet Union patent applications
Turnaround time: 7-14 business day
Documents are retrieved from paper archives.
Availability is not guaranteed - USSR patent applications are scattered across archives in several locations, and during 90s many archives undergone drastic changes, considerable part of paper archives was lost.
However, so far we were able to fulfil almost all inquiries for USSR patent applications. You pay only for available materials.
SAMPLE DOCUMENT: "Priority patent application submitted
to the State Committee on Matters of
Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR,
No. 4255263/14(88310)" (6 zipped TIFF images, 700 Kb)